TAANS Frolic

TAANS Frolic

TAANS Frolic

Registration and advertising for all TAANS events will be managed by TAANS.

Short overview:

The TAANS Frolic is a flexible event that embraces traditional archery while offering opportunities for camaraderie and fun.
It can include various archery-related activities and always features a shoot.

Date: The venue sets the date. To avoid conflicts with the ANS shoot schedule, available dates for the Frolic will be posted on our website.

Food: Depending on the venue, food may be provided, or participants can bring their own lunch.

Duration: The Frolic can be organized as a one-day or two-day shoot.


⇒ No winner plaques will be issued, and the event does not contribute to the overall score for the TAANS wall plaque.

⇒ Winners will receive certificates, emailed directly from TAANS.

Novelty Shoots: The inclusion and design of novelty shoots are at the discretion of the hosting venue.

The TAANS Frolic is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate traditional archery in a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere!


If you, your club/group would like to submit a venue to facilitate one of the TAANS events please follow the link below.

For more questions please send an email to connect@TAANS.ca to receive the TAANS EVENTS venue package.

Participant info

The details for the TAANS Frolic may vary from those of the Legacy Shoot, depending on the additional activities planned alongside the shoot.