Submit a venue for a TAANS event Submit a venue TAANS Legacy shoot is a fixed date each year on the second full weekend in July.The TAANS Frolic shoot dates are now available and can be selected by choosing ‘TAANS Frolic’ in the submission form Full Name *Email Address *Phone *Name of the group or club if applicableUpload file for the club or group logo if applicableChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileVENUE Address *CityPostal CodeI/We would like to submit a venue for the: *TAANS Legacy shootTAANS FrolicTAANS LEGACY SHOOT - JULY 12/13, 2025Legacy Shoot - July 12/13, 2025Facilities *Porta Potti or Toilette on sideSpace for Tents availableSpace for RV/Trailer availableBBQ on sitePractise area availableCheck all that applyShooting course *The venue is providing all 20 targetsThe venue has an amount of 1 to 10 targetsThe venue has no targets. Please contact us.MIlk Jug novelty shootOther novelty shootWhat food will be available during the event and for how much? *Message you would like to shareTAANS FrolicTAANS FrolicFood provided *YesNO - Bring your own lunchIf food provided please let us know what food and how much for the particpantShoot days *One day shootTwo day shootAvailable dates for the TAANS FrolicApril 12/13April 19May 31June 1June 15June 28/29August 2/3August 30September 6September 13/14October 18/19October 25/26Please check the dates for the Frolic.Please tell us about the Frolic. What is planned to do? Family Event, shoot (how many rounds) or... *How many targets can the venue provide?Anything you would like to share? Send Message