TAANS Legacy Shoot


Taans Legacy Shoot

Registration and advertising for all TAANS events will be managed by TAANS.

This TAANS Legacy SHOOT is held annually on the second full weekend of July in Nova Scotia.

Every Individual,  Club or Group can submit a venue to facilitate the annual TAANS Legacy shoot.


The TAANS Legacy shoot: More than just a simple archery shoot. The annual TAANS Legacy shoot is a chance to highlight traditional archers and its community.
It is a time to re-connect with old friends of course make new ones. It is the easiest opportunity to ask questions regarding the sport if you are a newcomer. Or to share your own experience and knowledge if you are a regular.


The TAANS Legacy shoot requires primitive camping facilities. Outhouses, portapotties, and other functional bathrooms that offer privacy.

Parking must accommodate the number of expected shooters.

Kitchen facilities (indoor or outdoor), access to BBQ and water is preferred.

A safe practise area must be provided with targets and backstop (s).

If you, your club/group would like to submit a venue to facilitate one of the TAANS events please follow the link below. For more questions please send an email to connect@TAANS.ca to receive the TAANS EVENTS venue package. 


Coming 2025
