Presidents’ report:
A lot of changes were made to keep TAANS functioning this year. With a surprising change in leadership we are still working out some kinks but we have an excellent group of executive and board members that will definitely make TAANS as good as it ever was, with a focus on making it function even better. This will be accomplished with sharing information with our membership and follow board members. Also, social media was updated to accommodate a more fluid way of getting membership renewed without having to contact each individual. This was one of the highlights of the changes made on the TAANS webpage.
All ideas will be reviewed in a group form and decisions that impact TAANS will be decided on based on everyone’s input and a majority decision.
Again we would like to thank Down By The Bay for hosting our annual TAANS shoot and their donation to TAANS.
We would like to thank Dorothy Best for all she accomplished during her time as president and thank Janna Bourgeois for her time as secretary.
We would like to thank all the clubs that held a traditional shoot this year and also the clubs that held a mixed shoot. We gained some recognition with our compound archer friends this year and enjoyed shooting along side of them. It is nice to be open to new things which sometimes makes us appreciate why we chose to be Traditional archers.
Our treasurers’ report will show that we are in fair shape but do require some increased revenue. This can start with a push on membership and see what other events we can host in the upcoming year.
Our social media and web page are in excellent hands presently and will continue to be up to date in future. Changes in the way we do business if necessary and we have the people that can make this happen.
We had one of our board members, Ray Murdock, attend the highland games event to show our traditional way of shooting. Ray was accompanied by Wayne Lantz, Jen Proctor, Peter Christensen and Mike Halfpenny. The response to their booth was amazing. Great job by all!
We still have a representative who attends the Federation meetings, Paul Stinson. Everything remains status quo.
John D Cann
TAANS President Interim